The Writers College Times

The Writers College Times

The Writers College Times
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Creative Writing

Q & A with Author, Ekow Duker

    Ghana-born author, Ekow Duker, is an oil field engineer-turned-investment banker-turned-business developer, with three published novels under his belt:

Spotlight on author Helen Brain

  Helen Brain is the author of 30 books for children, an adult memoir and many short stories. In 1998

What is a memoir, and why write one?

“Given motivation and time, anyone can write a memoir – the waitress at your favourite coffee shop, the adventurer who




Your Stories

My Writing Journey – by Christie Williams

Congratulations to Christie Williams from New Zealand for her story about procrastination. Christie wins our June contest. The closing date for the next My

Neuroses & Nirvana

BY DAVID WHITAKER   My first book was self-published. I wrote every word and illustrated it myself. I also cut

Best Writing Advice: Do the Work

BY NOHLEE CLOETE On my mobile phone, I have a picture saved of the urban English word ’Rastrophiliopustrocity’. It has eight

The Writer’s Muse is a Myth

BY RETIEF POTGIETER An artist will sometimes mention that he or she hasn’t had an original thought in a while.

writers college blog, best writing advice

Best Writing Advice: Keep it Simple

BY THERESA-LOUISE BRINK The best writing tip I ever received was from a man who had fallen in love with

The Writer in the Closet

BY ELEANOR TALBOT I’ll be honest. I don’t really consider myself a writer. John Steinbeck is a writer. Cannery Row



Will AI Kill Copy-editing Jobs?

TRUDY DELAMARE asks veteran copy-editor Di Smith if machines can correct errors better than humans in this frank Q &

Spotlight on Karen Jeynes – by Kyle Keegan

  Karen Jeynes is a well-known, award-winning playwright whose work includes “Laying Blame”, “sky too big”, “Don’t Mention Sex”, “Kiss

Alex Smith at The Writers college

Spotlight on author Alex Smith

Alex Smith’s most recent novel ‘Devilskein & Dearlove’ is a YA Fantasy, described by the ‘Sunday Times’ as “a magical

Spotlight on author Helen Brain

  Helen Brain is the author of 30 books for children, an adult memoir and many short stories. In 1998

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Apps for Writers

6 Time-Saving Apps for Travel Writers

Six apps to help travel writers organise, plan and execute their day.  BY CHRIS STRYDOM Travel writers rely on technology

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Four Habits of Successful Writers

Books, blogs and courses offer valuable advice and guidance for writers, but to make the most of them, there are

Famous Quotes on Writing

  Need some writing inspiration and courage to keep going? Here are wise words from famous writers.   “A professional

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