The Writers College Times

How to Fuel Your Passion for Writing

We know that to become a successful writer you need good time management and self-discipline. But award-winning writer and creativity

Top Secrets of Writing for Video Games

How do you write a script for a video game? And how does writing for games differ from conventional story-telling?

creative writing courses at The Writers College

5 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write

When your flaming enthusiasm for a new project has dwindled, you’ll have to spark up your motivation manually. Rozelle Sunkel

20 Essential Editing Tips

Finally finished a piece of writing that you want to submit to an editor? Woohoo! But before you hit the

Whose Point of View Is It, Anyway?

One of the most common problem writers have when learning to write fiction, is maintaining point of view (PoV). Here,

Make Money Writing for the Web

With some good, old-fashioned hard work, it is possible to make money writing on the web. Thanks to PayPal, it

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