The Writers College Times

Four Habits of Successful Writers

Books, blogs and courses offer valuable advice and guidance for writers, but to make the most of them, there are

Famous Quotes on Writing

  Need some writing inspiration and courage to keep going? Here are wise words from famous writers.   “A professional

Eleven Ways to Draw in your Reader

Here are 11 ways to draw in your reader and keep them hooked. Each one of these ways takes time

9 Plot Twists All Writers Should Know

The plot twist is the writer’s equivalent of magic: a sleight of hand, a puff of smoke and kazam! You

How to Achieve Your Writing Goals

  It’s not talent or word power that make writers successful; it’s staying power. Here are our 7 best tips

dialogue skills for fiction writers

How to Write Effective Dialogue

  In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily

Karakterisering: Hoe om geloofwaardige karakters te skryf – deur Wilna Adriaanse

“If you treat your characters like people, they’ll reward you by being fully developed individuals.”                                                                                                             – Don Roff Een van

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