Here’s how you can develop and advance your travel writing.



If you’re a travel writer, you most probably started off having a huge love for travelling and falling in love with new places. Or you could just enjoy writing and want to try something a little bit different. Either way, whether you’re the best in your field or have just started out, here are five ways to improve your travel writing.


  1. READ. This is as simple as it’s put. You need to absorb good writing and understand the craft behind it. So read blogs, newspapers, magazines, online articles, study the history and read guidebooks. Immerse yourself in the reading.The more you take in, the more you can write, and the better your writing will be. Check out these Top 10 Travel Writing Books for a little more inspiration.


  1. EXPERIENCE. You can be the very best travel writer, but if you haven’t experienced anything first hand, how can you understand or portray a real truth-telling article? Get out and experience the world, whether that is flying across the globe or walking down to your local café.


Once you’re in the middle of it all you’ll find the writing will come much easier. Read this article on What It’s Actually Like to Be a Travel Writer – this will give you an insight or even spark some ideas.


  1. LISTEN. When you’re in the heart of it all, listen. Take in your surroundings. Talk to other locals, neighbours, and children. Gain other people’s insight and learn what’s important to them and how they see the world. Having other people’s views as well as your own will make your writing more diverse. The more you listen, the better a storyteller you become.



  1. TAKE NOTES. Remember to document your experiences. It’s one thing to write an article on it, but if you can’t remember the tiny details, it may have a huge effect on your piece, and then you’re stuck. So take note of things around you. Experiences that may not have seemed so big at the time could have a dramatic effect on your writing once you head back to reality. Sometimes it’s the tiny details that we often miss that make an article stand out. Having your notes with you will bring memories back to life and finally connect the dots.


  1. BE PATIENT. A travel writing career can take years to develop. It also takes a lot of time and money. Don’t rush. Be patient. The more time you take nurturing your passion and learning, the better your writing will be. Rejection, unfortunately, is inevitable, but keep in mind that every ‘no’ is leading you closer to that ‘yes’. Even the most experienced writers still face rejection. But you have to pick yourself up and try again. You’ll get there; just be patient.


About the Author

Ruth Ibbotson is a published writer featured throughout the UK and the US on numerous websites. She graduated from The British and Irish Modern Music Institute with a degree in Songwriting in 2016. She then went on to create her own blogging website which features interviews from other writers, poets and musicians.